
5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Scaffold Towers

26 September 2022

Scaffold towers are invaluable pieces of equipment that make it possible to operate at greater heights for longer periods. Using a ladder for extended periods is impossible since doing so can become unpleasant and is therefore not suggested. However, the use of scaffold towers should be done with caution, since reckless use of them can put both the people working on the towers and the people in the area around them at increased danger of injury.

When using scaffold towers, here are five common mistakes that you or your employees should try to avoid making:

Avoid Using Cheap or Substandard Scaffolding Towers

It is natural to want to save money wherever it is feasible; nevertheless, you should not jeopardise the safety of the scaffold tower. Don’t buy something cheap or subpar since you’re gambling with the lives of your employees; keep that in mind while making your decision. If you want excellent scaffolding materials, you might have to spend a little bit more for them, but it is an investment that will be well worth it.

Never Use Other Objects To Raise The Height

The process of ascending a scaffold tower or a ladder and descending from either one may be somewhat difficult. As a result, it is easy to succumb to the temptation of utilising adjacent things to achieve the desired height, such as a chair or a plastic box. In addition, even dependable access equipment, such as a sturdy stepladder, is only intended for use on the ground and not on the scaffold tower itself. Using these products while standing on a scaffold tower puts yourself and your colleagues in a potentially hazardous situation. Therefore, it is not wise to take the chance of putting the lives of one’s workers in jeopardy.

Don’t Forget About Scaffolding Tower’s Safe Workload

Just like ladders, scaffold towers have a maximum safe weight capacity, and you need to be sure that you don’t exceed it when you’re using them. Never utilise the tower of the scaffolding to store materials or equipment for extended periods, since this might cause the platform to slowly degrade. Those who are standing below the scaffold tower might be put in danger if any materials or tools fall from the platform above them.

When There Are Strong Winds, Do Not Use A Scaffold Tower

Even though scaffold towers are designed and constructed to withstand severe winds, it is dangerous to perform work at height while strong winds are blowing. When the winds become too powerful, it is only smart to postpone your activity and restart it when the weather becomes more favourable. The force of the wind may cause you or your employees to be thrown off balance, and it may also cause debris such as twigs, stones, and gravel to be blown in your direction at a crucial time. Falls from height were the leading cause of fatal injuries sustained by employees over the past decade; thus, you should take precautions to avoid situations that put you in danger of becoming one of these statistics.

Be Cautious When Moving Around The Top Of The Scaffold Tower

Never take for granted that scaffold towers can withstand an excessive amount of thrashing, although scaffold towers are more solid and stable than ladders. Because scaffold towers are designed to withstand the weight of a standing person who is moving with caution, you should never subject them to any immediate impacts, such as tossing something onto them from any height or leaping on them while going up or down.

Above All Solutions is the only place to go to rent scaffolding that is of high quality and is built to last, as well as supplies for scaffolding. Call Above All Solutions if you have questions or need assistance purchasing the appropriate scaffolding system. Our knowledgeable staff will be pleased to assist you in any way possible.

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